Let’s debunk some myths about braces!

Have you ever heard someone call braces "metal mouth"? Well, that's just not true. Braces Vancouver nowadays aren’t such a bad thing, you know. Get ready to be surprised because tales are about to be busted and some fun facts about braces will be shared.

Mythbusters: Bite-Sized Truths


• Metal Mouth? Not anymore! Braces Vancouver are currently available either in a clear or tooth-coloured version. This is why they are less obvious than they used to be. Also, lots of children just think the colours are interesting!


Painful? Not always! It might seem strange when you get braces at the beginning, but this process is usually fairly comfortable, and most kids handle the adjustment phase swiftly. Braces don't cause continuous pain, and your dentist will provide tips for alleviating any bad sensation.


Braces are forever? Nope! You'll have the braces in Vancouver on for up to 1-3 years until they make your smile even better. Please take it as a superhero effect for your teeth!


Bonus Tip: Taking Care of Your Braces is a Team Effort!


• Daily brushing and flossing are your best pals when you have braces.


• Follow your orthodontist's guidelines of the foods to eat less and how to take care of your braces.


• Be sure to wear your retainer following the removal of your braces to maintain that stunning smile of yours!

To sign off


So there you have it! Braces in Vancouver are not scary monsters. They're tools to help you achieve a healthy, happy smile. And with a bit of teamwork, you can make the most of your time with braces. So ditch the metal mouth myth and get ready to show off your superhero smile!


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