Helping Your Child Adjust with New Braces: A Parent's Guide

Getting braces brings big changes for kids. After they get braces in Vancouver , they may feel uncomfortable. This will happen during the first few days of wearing it. Your support during this change is needed. In the next part of this guide; you will find some tips on how you can assist your child to adapt to post-braces life. [1] Dealing with Soreness Your child's mouth will likely feel tender after getting braces installment in Vancouver . Serve them soft foods like: - Yogurt - Smoothies - Mashed potatoes Your orthodontist might suggest regular pain medicine if needed. Cool treats like ice cream can also help their mouth feel better. [2] Smart Food Choices Your child will need to think carefully about what they eat with braces Vancouver . They should stay away from foods that are sticky, hard, or very chewy since these can harm the braces. Most orthodontists give you a list of safe foods. Try finding new tasty snacks that...