How Do Braces Fit? A Detailed Guide

For many people, getting braces on is a terrifying experience. Although the procedure is not unpleasant, the pressure it generates might lead to inflammation and discomfort. Making the initial appointment with the orthodontist is the first step. The dentist will check your teeth, ask you a few questions, and perhaps take some X-rays during this appointment. They will recommend a therapy approach that might start working based on their findings. Depending on the type of braces in Vancouver, there are many ways to put them on. 1- Preparation The orthodontist installs rubber bands or spacers between teeth that are too closely spaced apart for a week before braces are applied. That will allow the bands to fit comfortably around the rear teeth. That makes the rear teeth and jaw pain as they shift to make room for the spacers. 2- Cleaning The orthodontist will clean the teeth with a cleaning agent and make sure they are dry before starting the procedure of applying Best braces in Vancouver ....