How to Take Care of Your Teeth With Braces

Taking care of your teeth with braces does not have to be difficult although it does present some challenges. The Braces in Vancouver make it more difficult for you to maneuver your toothbrush, leading to an ineffective cleaning process. But here are a few things that you can do to make it easier: 1. Use a toothbrush with a smaller head. This kind of toothbrush will make it easier to brush all the nooks and crannies of the teeth. You can go with an electric toothbrush, which usually has a smaller and replaceable head. Since an electric toothbrush passes over the teeth more times than a regular toothbrush, it has a better cleaning action. Make sure you brush longer than 2 minutes. That way, you can thoroughly clean your teeth. 2. Use an interdental toothbrush. This will help you clean the areas between the teeth and around the brackets. It is smaller, so you can maneuver it easily around the teeth. 3. Use a mouthwash. Use a mouthwash to get rid of bad bacteria in the ...